Player Welfare

Player Welfare

At Dubai Hurricanes we pride ourselves on our commitment to player welfare in all sports:

Thanks to our sponsors Mediclinic we have a dedicated fully-equipped Medical Treatment Room, used for treatment at training and prior to matches or prior to an ambulance transfer if required.

Supporting all our squads are over 50 volunteer first aid ‘Team Medics’ equipped and trained to deliver an immediate first-response level of treatment on the court or field of play – a requirement of UAE RF in the case of rugby; Regular training sessions are organised to ensure that all Team Medics are prepared and confident to act whenever they are required.

Team Medics

Without our volunteer Medics we could not train or play

Dubai Hurricanes prioritises player welfare and safety – and aims to ensure all squads have adequate trained first-responders on-hand at every training session, match and tournament, home and away.

The vast majority of our Medics are Trained parent-volunteers. First Aid responder training with internationally recognised certification is provided courtesy of our sponsor Mediclinic. Each team Medic is equipped with a comprehensive medical kit bag to support the squad, and are trained in neck stabilisation, commonly known as MILS, should this be needed. We also provide a Handbook which can be reviewed and Downloaded here. We are supported by Dr Alan Kourie who heads up Mediclinic Perform and has worked at a very high level, supporting many athletes or sportsmen and women.

Concussion and Injuries

We encourage all parents and players to inform themselves by completing this World Rugby short-course on concussion: The club’s medical administration team liaise closely with local specialist service providers to ensure no player returns to play without obtaining any medical clearance to do so – this is particularly important in the treatment of head related injuries and specifically concussion; We operate a strict policy of ‘No Medical Clearance – No Play’ in such instances.

Likewise, we are leading the way in developing full collaboration protocols with qualified medical specialists to ensure, between club and school, that any injured junior or youth player doesn’t ‘fall between the gap’ and play with unnecessary risk; We work closely with UAE RF in leading the way in developing and enforcing such protocols.

Report Suspected Concussion Report Injury

As a registered volunteer our Club Medics are covered by the club’s Indemnity & Liability Insurance for any First Aid administered at The Sevens Stadium, and to our players when playing away from home.

Our training provides the basic skills required to manage an injury on the rugby pitch or netball court, as well as in normal daily life. Each of our squads have been provided with excellent First Aid kits courtesy of our sponsors at Mediclinic and all Club Medics have access to the Club Medical Room when required. All Team Medics belong to a Whats App Group that is used for routine communications where required. The club also follows and provides information where our medics learn from, good reference points are the World Rugby - Rugby Ready Program and World Rugby Player Welfare Online Course.

Our AED is located outside of the Hurricanes Office, on the wall of the inner Hall to the left of the ground floor Reception of 7he Sevens Clubhouse; There is another one located in a Trauma Bag in the Medical Room, this one is placed pitch-side for Senior team League matches.

The Team First Aiders’ Handbook is intended to provide you with information that is specific to the club and our home ground at The Sevens.  You will also find essential contact details for club officials and details of local protocols that we have put in place in the interest of the health, safety and well being of our players and spectators.

The most important thing to remember is that our Club Medics are never alone when looking after their squad; not only do they have the coaching staff and other parents around to assist, but the Referee is always on their side, in most cases the opposing Teams Medics will assist if required as well. Please also be mindful that as qualified First Aiders in the UAE, Club Medics should practice only what they have been trained to do.

Please also note/remember that the club also arranges player insurance for all playing contact rugby in U9s and above/older – please see our Player Insurance page for more details.

If in doubt call for help, maintain the injured player in a safe condition and await further assistance.